Nuclear power engineering with fast neutron reactors and closed nuclear fuel cycle – Solution of climate problems and more

Nuclear power engineering with fast neutron reactors and closed nuclear fuel cycle – Solution of climate problems and more

Fast Neutron Reactors (FNRs) in a closed Nuclear Fuel Cycle (NFC) will solve the problems of safety of the accumulated spent-nuclear fuel, the final disposal of high-level radio-active wastes. Nuclear power has a birthmark associated with its appearance to the world as nuclear weapons. However, it should be borne in mind that this is more of a political problem than a technical one.
BREST-OD-300 reactor doesn’t have a reproduction zone, i.e., there is no production of excess plutonium. The reprocessing of spent fuel will release some product from which a new mixed uranium–plutonium fuel will be made. This product will contain uranium, plutonium and, subsequently, minor actinides, which will create a high level of radioactivity that will cause additional difficulties and obvious problems in un-authorized handling of such material.

Global Particle Physics Excellence Awards



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