Quantum Social Science as an Ontological Critique: Reflections on First Principles, Politics, and Ethics

Quantum Social Science as an Ontological Critique: Reflections on First Principles, Politics, and Ethics

Ontological frameworks provide orientation in the world. They also have worlding power as part of material assemblages within which our responses to political issues are devised. In my reflection, I discuss the relations between “science” and political thought, and I will highlight how Western theories of matter and the cosmos based on the mechanistic worldview of Newtonian physics have shaped Kantian ethics.

Furthermore, I argue that by emphasizing uncertainty, relationality, and the performative effects of the apparatus of observation, quantum physics’ worldviews challenge the pillars of the onto-epistemologies of the Enlightenment and invite us to rethink the “first principles” upon which Western ethical and political thought rely.

Quantum worldviews invite us to put responsibility and careful consideration of the entanglements of practice, rather than abstractions, at the center of ethical and political decisions. A relational onto epistemological orientation raises the bar for adjudicating ethical choices while also emphasizing the relevance of micropolitical acts and may change how we engage with other human and non-human beings.

Global Particle Physics Excellence Awards



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